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The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994)
The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"[It] would have to be up there for sheer enthusiasm. I love it for a million reasons. It’s just such a celebration. But I think I also — god not to sound like too much of a shrink — I grew up in a family with lots of divorces and things. Growing up, the first couple I knew that were really, truly like Disney movie in love and devoted to each other was a gay couple. And then one of them died — of AIDS — and I remember I was so young; I was in junior high when it happened. It was still at a time when gay culture was so judged and so reviled in so many places. The movie was such a celebration of song and dance, but also of a gay lifestyle, and it was a beautiful thing to see at that point in my life. For there to be something out there in pop culture that was celebrating and not apologizing [for] all of that — I just thought it was brilliant."


Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Isn't It Romantic (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A Joke of a Movie In a Good Way
I didn't really care to see this movie but it was available for me to watch so I watched it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was smart and clever in all the funny ways it needed to be. Both the writers and producers obviously did their research on romantic comedies to make the joke really stretch long but not seem forced. The writers made sure every cliché was there and made them extremely funny in reality, The gay sidekick cliché in this movie is my favorite because in the reality of the main character its just her next-door neighbor she knows nothing about I didn't even realize he was gay because he doesn't look like a stereotypical gay man. The soundtrack is what pulls this whole joke together though because every sappy great love song from every sappy great romcom wraps this movie in a pretty bow. If you want to laugh along with this cast at the stupidity behind romantic comedies this is the film for you because it is stupid funny.
Coming Out On Top
Coming Out On Top
2015 | Simulation
Exclusively Gay Romance (3 more)
Good Character Art
HIgh Replay Value
Multiple Story Arcs
Repetitious (0 more)
The Daddy of Gay Visual Novels
Coming Out on Top is a visual novel about Mark Matthews (who's kind of a weenie), college senior, newly out of the closet. Guide him through his last semester of school and through various sexual misadventures. There are several characters you can develop a "romance" with, and the storylines are not always obvious. You have to learn the characters motives to get them to like you. Other times, it feels more random. However, there is a good variety of characters for you to meet and romance.

(And the art is pretty sexy. Something for everyone, I think.)
Difficult Women
Difficult Women
Roxane Gay | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Overall Difficult Women is a pretty good set of stories. Since this is the first I've read from this author I didn't know what to expect, but I really love her writing style.
Critic- AngelEren
Original score- 3 out of 5

Read Review:

Hana Wilsei (7 KP) rated EastSiders in TV

Feb 22, 2018  
2012 | Comedy, Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
modern dramedy
This show, more than anything currently depicting millennial relationships (gay, lesbian, and straight) feels real. I see myself and the people I know reflected in these characters.
Everything, from setting/costumes/filming, is basic...authentic. Williamson doesn't have anything hiding behind clever tricks and presents an emotionally intricate piece of art.

Merissa (11758 KP) created a post

Sep 2, 2020  
These are two more stories in the continuing series of the lives of gay men who lived through the most exhilarating and terrifying of times.

TOUR, GUEST POST & #GIVEAWAY - Just Outside of Hope by Ron Kearse - @GoddessFish, @Archaeolibrary, @ronswriting, #LGBT #Fiction
The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon: The Authorized Biography
The Gilded Gutter Life of Francis Bacon: The Authorized Biography
Daniel Farson | 1994 | Art, Photography & Fashion
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I'm not really a fan of biographies, or of Francis Bacon's art. So why do I love this book? It brings mid-20th century gay London to life. And it helps me understand why people appreciate Bacon's work so deeply, even if I still can't say I'd hang his paintings on my living room wall."


James Franco recommended Twilight in Books (curated)

7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"No, not vampires; the late William Gay unfortunately didn't anticipate the world takeover of Bella and Edward when he named his backwoods Tennessee gothic novel, but it is no less a stunning web of Cormac McCarthy-esque necrophilia, murder, spot-on rural dialogue, and haunting renditions of nature. He is my new favorite writer."

A Matter of Time Book I (A Matter of Time #1)
A Matter of Time Book I (A Matter of Time #1)
Mary Calmes | 2009 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a bit of a mess right now. The whole on again off again thing was driving me crazy but I understood in a way. Being a gay cop, I imagine, can be very hard. Its seen as a mans job and people expect you to be some sort of hard guy with a loving wife and kids at home... But no! Life and modern society are so much more advanced than they used to be and gay people should be able to work in any profession and not get judged or bullied for it.

That aside I was so into this series. I really need to know what's going to happen next with Jory and Sam so need to buy book three and four now
Death and Love at the Old Summer Camp
Death and Love at the Old Summer Camp
Dolores Maggiore | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was unlike any other book I have read! It harkened back to my days of reading Nancy Drew with my mother. If the mystery wasn't enough there is more than one gay turn in this book. The setting was so well described I could actually feel like I was there following Pina and Katie. Highly recommend this book.