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No Quarter Given
No Quarter Given
Neil Broadfoot | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"This is not murder. This is justice."

This is the latest in this series starring Connor Fraser and what a series it is!

No Quarter Given is a dark and gritty read that is not for the feint-hearted. It has some scenes that some may find distressing as they relate to child abuse so be warned, if this is a trigger for you, I would think before picking this up.

Having given that warning, this is intense, well written and fast paced with excellent characters but amongst the violence and tension, there is dark humour and moments of vulnerability for the main character.

This is an excellent addition to the series and thank you to Little, Brown Book Group via NetGalley for giving me the opportunity of reading and sharing my thoughts.
High-Rise Invasion
High-Rise Invasion
2021 | Action, Animation, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
High-Risk Invasion is an anime that starts with with a very dark premises (and I guess should have a trigger warning here). A school girl (Yuri) finds herself in a world that exists entirely on the top floors and roofs of sky scrapers. She soon meets a figure in a strange mask who seems intent on driving her off the roof and to her death. Yuri soon find out that there are a number of these 'Masks' who's sole purpose is to try to drive the none masks to suicide.
After a few episodes, 'High-Rise Invasion' takes a strange turn, surviving the masks is part of a test to find some one who is worthy of becoming the new god.
High-Rise Invasion starts very dark and it's easy to see why it changed tones, it either had to change to something unexpected or become something like 'Alice in Borderland ' and a lot of the story is spent on world building and setting up the main premises.
Viewers need to be aware that 'High-Rise Invasion' contains suicide, violence, threat of rape as well as the anime standards of panty-shots and other clothes being ripped. If you are ok with these themes and a high level of violence then 'High-Rise Invasion' offers an interesting story and plenty of action.
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
🔞 Full on Trigger warnings for everything!! 🔞

WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.

195 of 235
By Aron Beauregard


Oliver Fitch has a troubling issue; he lives in a state of constant terror. After purchasing a convenience store in a once civil society, the streets around him have rapidly devolved into utter lawlessness. They're now festering with sinister gutter scum that only live to harass and intimidate him. His pathetic profits are gouged under the threat of violence and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. Because in a city with no rules, where the sun never shines, the authorities are no help. In fact, they're an equal part of the problem.

The relentless fear of confrontation is so obvious that even Oliver's wife Lydia has grown to resent his spineless existence. The absence of bravado opens the door to a horrific home invasion that leaves the miserable pair savagely maimed. From there, things only get worse until the criminal leeches have taken everything. Until there's nothing left inside but hate and the gnawing hunger for revenge. Until a switch finally flips and Oliver realizes that they all have to die.

First of all this comes with massive triggers in fact the whole book is one fat trigger warning so I don’t recommend if you have a sensitive nature.
This is my first venture into this genre and wow it hit hard!
I just couldn’t stop reading and I’m not sure how when it was bloody brutal.
After 2 men break into his home and brutally attack him and his wife Oliver goes on a vengeful killing spree taking out those corrupt and down right evil. These people terrorise the neighbourhood and it’s not just criminals. This is not for the faint hearted. It’s gore, graphic, horrific and just brutal (yes I’ve used that word a few times as I can’t think of any other way to describe it).

WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.
Nasty Little Cuts
Nasty Little Cuts
Tina Baker | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I learnt a new phrase today: Domestic Noir. My ignorance is probably down to the fact that I would never normally read a book in this category. I’d avoid it. I’m glad that I didn’t let it put me off this time though, and after reading Tina’s previous book ‘Call Me Mummy’, I knew that I was going to be in for one hell of a good read.

This book is phenomenal. It’s read-it-thorough-your-fingers-with-your-eyes-shut kind of phenomenal.

Reading it on The Pigeonhole, one stave a day for 10 days was a feat of endurance - the wait between staves was tortuous. This is NOT an easy read, and should probably come with some sort of trigger warning. It’s dark, emotional, visceral. It’s violent and frankly traumatic.

Debs and Marc should probably have never got together, never mind got married and had children. They’re both emotionally scarred from terrible childhoods and have never confronted, or been treated for, these psychological and physical injuries. And now they just seem to vent their feelings on one another with physical violence.

There’s loads of backstory that explains why they are in their current predicament, and honestly, I did feel some sympathy for them. But then, and Tina Baker does this so well, she gives with one hand, and snatches away with the other. Every past revelation of abuse or trauma, is bookended by domestic violence.

Honestly, it sounds horrendous, doesn’t it? But I couldn’t stop reading. As I said on The Pigeonhole: What a reading experience this has been. I’ll leave a review, but what can I say that will do this book justice?

Well, I can say this: Read It.
Two Forces (Crescentwood #2)
Two Forces (Crescentwood #2)
R.A. Smyth | 2021 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darker, dirtier and a damn sight more dangerous!

Spoilers/warning : Please be aware there is an attempted rape scene/a rape and sex trafficking which includes reference to underage girls which could be a trigger for some readers.
    Also a few graphic descriptions of violence and sex.

Chapter one starts us on the same day we left off, only with Sophie, not Preston.
    I'm so happy that we've not jumped ahead weeks, especially after the cliffhanger of the first book. It's pretty seamless too, no subtle character discrepancies and no questions about what's happened since we were last enveloped in Crescentwood.

Sophie is as strong and sassy as ever but we get to see a more vulnerable side too. A side that puts cracks in tough exteriors of four smoking hot guys.

Each page I read makes me want a reverse harem so bad! Hot, gorgeous bad boys with tattoos and a soft spot for Sophie and some mind blowing sex.....lucky girl! I love how the boys characters are growing, how each of them is showing traits that explain why Sophie is so drawn to them.

Yet again we're left with questions and a bit of a cliffhanger but I wouldn't have it any other way, it just has me impatiently waiting for the next installment!

The epilogue is grim, twisted and puts a lot of the pieces together. It confirmed some of my theories, made me uncomfortable, oddly satisfied and quite honestly anxious about what's ahead for Sophie and the boys.

TacoDave (3532 KP) rated Detroit: Become Human in Video Games

Nov 2, 2018 (Updated Nov 2, 2018)  
Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
Story (3 more)
Slow-moving (1 more)
A bit too on-the-nose politically
A unique gaming experience, but not necessarily a video game...
I won a copy of Detroit: Become Human here on Smashbomb and I'm really glad I did. I liked David Cage's previous games - specifically The Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain - but I wasn't sure about this one. A story about androids being treated badly (an obvious metaphor for racism) didn't intrigue me at first blush, although the demo was pretty good.

But after playing the game, I came away pleasantly surprised. Cage's games are more like interactive movies than full video games, and that's fine with me. It is refreshing to play something that is more about contemplation and decision-making than twitchy reactions. And the stories in Detroit: Become Human were interesting enough to keep me playing.

But be warned: this game isn't for precious snowflakes. It involves violence, crime, death, abuse, and several other topics that might make someone with thinner skin cry out "Trigger Warning!!!" But those are exactly the kinds of topics that deserve contemplation, and this game is a perfect fit for those themes. It also has tons of swearing, if that bothers you. I played with the subtitles on and the sound turned way down when my kids were around.

One other caveat: the gameplay revolves around following on-screen prompts to use the joystick a certain way or push the correct button. If you aren't very familiar with a PS4 controller, I suggest you study the button layout and figure out where everything is so you can react with the right button press when needed.
You Won't Know Her Name
You Won't Know Her Name
Shanti Hershenson | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first heard of You Won't Know Her Name by Santi Hershenson, there was just something about the synopsis that was calling to me to read it. The synopsis really sucked me in, and I found myself wanting to know more about The Girl. I ended up loving this book!

You Won't Know Her Name is certainly not for the faint of heart. With heavy themes such as bullying and sexual assault, I knew the plot would be a dark read. However, Hershenson writes like a pro, and the way she incorporates these themes into her story didn't put me off reading. The plot is solid and interesting if a little sad at what The Girl had to go through. I loved that there were no chapters, only poems and that each poem started with a title of what the short poem would be about. Each poem flows well into the next. It really made my heart hurt for all the injustices done to the girl (and her sister). What angered me the most was how the school failed this child. Unfortunately, many schools fail bullied children every day. (I speak from personal experience). I would say that there is a plot twist in this story, but there are no cliff hangers. It's just sad that there are so many people (children and adults alike) that have to go through such horrible bullying.

The characters in You Won't Know Her Name felt very realistic. We are told early on by the author that names aren't important so no names are ever mentioned in this story. We have "The Girl" who I felt so bad for. She didn't deserve any of the hate and the uncaringness she got. I just wanted to protect her so much throughout the story and tell "The Person" (The Girl's bully) to just back off. The Person acted in such a vile way toward The Girl and her sister. It made me wonder about The Person's background though. Was The Person being bullied at home to act out that way in school? I am, by no means, excusing The Person's behavior though.

Trigger warnings for You Won't Know Her Name include sexual assault (not graphic), profanity, talks of suicide, and violence. The author has included trigger warning notices at the start of each poem that could possibly trigger some readers though.

You Won't Know Her Name is a sad but a good read. There is some good to come out of it though. You Won't Know Her Name is a thought provoking read about a subject that, sadly, many children (and adults) have to deal with although they shouldn't.

Overall, You Won't Know Her Name is a well written piece of poetic literature that everyone should read. I would highly suggest that parents read it with their child and discuss it. If you are a librarian, buy this book for your library. It's not a long book either, so even the most hesitant reader could get a lot from it. I would definitely recommend You Won't Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+. Trust me, this is a book that needs to be read.
All is Not Forgotten
All is Not Forgotten
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One evening, teenage Jenny Kramer heads to a party. She's headed to meet a boy, but when she spots him with another girl, she's devastated. Drunk and embarrassed, Jenny heads into the woods to be alone; instead, she is attacked and viciously raped for over a hour. After the horrific incident, Jenny is given "the treatment," which erases the incident from her memory. But Jenny cannot move on from that awful night. Neither can her father, Tom, who is consumed by thoughts of tracking down the attacker. Meanwhile, Jenny's mother, just wants everything to go back to normal. Jenny is taken to a psychiatrist, Dr. Forrester, who has some experience with the treatment, including another client of his--a war veteran named Sean. Can Dr. Forrester help Sean and Jenny retrieve their memories? Will Jenny track down her rapist before she's consumed by that night's events?

This novel gets you immediately from the beginning (definite trigger warning for violence/rape, though). The entire book is told from the perspective of Dr. Forrester, which gives it a totally unique slant. Is he reliable? He's certainly a weird guy, and hearing the story from his side only makes things more intriguing. I thought the story would be more about both sides of forgetting and "the treatment," but it's really, truly the story of Jenny's rape, tracking down her rapist, and the interconnected story of several people in her town.

Overall, this is a great thriller, with a ton of twists and turns. I always enjoy a novel where I don't actually see every plot piece coming, and this one didn't disappoint. The cast of characters in the novel is varied and intricate. Some of the good doctor's machinations are a little preposterous, but it doesn't detract from the your enjoyment of the book. Even better, the ending kept up with the earlier parts of the novel and actually made me go "wow." A very enjoyable, different, twisty thriller - worth picking up.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 7/12/2016.

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Trouble Girls
Trouble Girls
Julia Lynn Rubin | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A queer Thelma & Louise that doesn't live up to its potential
High school best friends Trixie and Lux are headed for a much-needed weekend getaway. Trixie needs to forget about her depressing waitress job, where all the men are "hogs" and her sick mom, and Lux needs to escape her overbearing dad. But a horrific night of violence changes everything and Trixie and Lux find themselves fugitives, running away from their tiny West Virginia town and everything they've ever known. Before they know it, they are wanted by the police, their faces splashed across social media. The girls are scared and horrified--on an unplanned road trip where the only thing they can count on is each other.

The premise of this book sounded amazing -- a queer "Thelma & Louise." Unfortunately, it all fell apart for me. Rather than being a #MeToo rallying cry, this was a depressing and stressful read, featuring two teens who make a bunch of stupid and ill-fated decisions.

I definitely understand the overall idea for TROUBLE GIRLS and even why Trixie and Lux run, afraid that no one will believe their story. But the choices they make along the way--spending their money on junk, not trusting each other, stealing and lying... and everything else. It's maddening. They do not act like two smart girls on the run, but two idiots who do not believe in one another. Trixie's infatuation with Lux clouds everything, and Lux comes across as this adored princess with no real personality of her own.

We're (eventually) told a bit of Trixie's backstory, including why we have to read the word "hog" in what feels like every other darn sentence, but the character development here is severely lacking. Trixie has a sick mom and a dark secret. Lux... likes makeup and her camera? I think this story would have would worked so much more if we knew how and why these two teens ticked. Why, exactly, was Trixie so in love with Lux? How exactly did Lux feel back? There's a weird switch that turns at some point in the book, and it made no sense to me. If you're going to give me a queer story, give me queer characters who truly feel for one another and whose love is based in reality.

Trixie and Lux's story is supposed to have a #MeToo angle to it, and it does, in some ways, but this was not a #MeToo anthem to me. It's two girls running away, trying to figure out maps on the back roads, and making poor decisions as they flee what they've done. While, again, I understand why they run, the story I wanted to read was Trixie and Lux returning to Blue Bottle and fighting along side the Intersectional Feminist Union and the other women they supposedly "rally" with a few misplaced social media posts. It was these women and Judy, Trixie's co-worker back home, whose life I wanted to know about--I would have enjoyed that book much more!

Overall, this book can tug at your heart strings, but also frustrate you to no end. There was much to its overall premise, but most of it did not work for me. 2.5 stars (Trigger warning: sexual assault, rape)