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A Touch of Death
A Touch of Death
Rebecca Crunden | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
New twist to the classic dystopians
Trigger Warning: Graphic gore, death, suicidal thoughts, torture.

When Rebecca approached me about reading A Touch of Death, I have to admit I was a little apprehensive. Dystopian is one of those genres that has been so overly saturated that nothing seems to be fresh. Luckily, my apprehension was unwarranted.

A Touch of Death is one of those books that will grab you the second you start reading it. This dystopian sci-fi novel grabbed me almost instantly. The plot was exciting and gave us a nice twist to the classic dystopian books. I liked all of the elements present, and they seemed to work pretty well together.

The main characters Kitty & Nate, were fascinating. I liked seeing how they interacted, and I loved the bit of bickering too. It did take me some time to warm up to both characters. I never seemed to connect to either of them, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the book. The relationships in the book were interesting to watch evolve, and I liked seeing how both Kitty & Nate changed throughout the book.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. I would have liked to connect more with the characters, but this was a solid 4 star read for me!
His Game: The First Time
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

23 of 220
His Game: The First Time
By Tirzah M.M. Hawkins

Trigger warning and crap content

Rachel's your average teenage girl, fresh out of high school, excited about the secret trip her boyfriend surprised her with. She's been waiting forever for him to pop the question.

However, John isn't your average teenage boy. And his idea of a fun trip is far from a proposal.

John's growing into his tastes. Tastes for things unmentionable in polite society. Read this coming-of-age story about how a violent artist got his start.
Each book in the His Game series is a standalone story and can be read in any order.

So I read His Game: The woods as an arc a while ago and I just needed to read this one too this is how John starts his game and it’s a pretty twisted tale. This is not for everyone it’s graphic and dark. It’s always hard to say I liked these kind of books but when they are well written and provoke a response that the author sets out to achieve then they are worth the read.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
High-Rise Invasion
High-Rise Invasion
2021 | Action, Animation, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
High-Risk Invasion is an anime that starts with with a very dark premises (and I guess should have a trigger warning here). A school girl (Yuri) finds herself in a world that exists entirely on the top floors and roofs of sky scrapers. She soon meets a figure in a strange mask who seems intent on driving her off the roof and to her death. Yuri soon find out that there are a number of these 'Masks' who's sole purpose is to try to drive the none masks to suicide.
After a few episodes, 'High-Rise Invasion' takes a strange turn, surviving the masks is part of a test to find some one who is worthy of becoming the new god.
High-Rise Invasion starts very dark and it's easy to see why it changed tones, it either had to change to something unexpected or become something like 'Alice in Borderland ' and a lot of the story is spent on world building and setting up the main premises.
Viewers need to be aware that 'High-Rise Invasion' contains suicide, violence, threat of rape as well as the anime standards of panty-shots and other clothes being ripped. If you are ok with these themes and a high level of violence then 'High-Rise Invasion' offers an interesting story and plenty of action.
All the Rage
All the Rage
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warning: Rape and Recovery
Contains spoilers, click to show
Wow. I finished this book, sat back, and stared at it in silence for a while. This is an emotional wringer of a book that more people should read. It's also full of trauma triggers, so beware.

Trigger Warning. Rape and Recovery.

All The Rage is about a girl. It's about rape culture. It's about her trauma, and the aftermath. The book flashes back and forth a little - it includes a triggered flashback to her rape, and her memories of it. The font choices show how mixed up she is sometimes, and how hard it is for her to tell what's really happening, what is a memory, and what is a flashback. Her rape is never written about in high detail. One Goodreads reviewer made a good point - the details being scant makes the shadows larger for the devil to hide in. (Her review is is posted in full on her blog, and it's a powerful one.) (links can be found on my blog as they can't be embedded here.)

The book was an easy read, technically - I read it in an afternoon - but it was a very hard read, emotionally and mentally. The main character, Romy, talks about how no one prepares girls for this, and she's right. As a society, we don't. We tell girls how to avoid those kinds of situations, but not what to do when actually IN them. Or how to determine the best course of action. Because surviving an attack is usually the priority, and screaming and fighting isn't always the best way to do that. Romy froze, and she blames herself for the failure to fight. But she also blames society for not teaching girls what to do. And once the unthinkable has happened, society abandons the victims. That was one of the hardest parts of the book - the victim-blaming. No one believes Romy. They call her a slut and a liar. Her high school classmates do horrible things to her.

The book is dark, but there are points of light. Leon is a coworker at the diner, and he's sweet on Romy. The book uses the relationship to show how rape can affect any future intimacy. Romy can't trust him, because her rapist seemed sweet, too. Until he wasn't. Romy's mother and mother's boyfriend are both supportive, caring, and loving. They don't understand what she's going through, mostly because Romy won't tell them, but they do their best anyway.

All The Rage is a really good book. It's also a very important book, and personally I think it should be required reading in high school. (That will never happen, it's too graphic and would offend parents, I'm sure. But it should.) If it's something you've experienced personally, it's very triggery and should maybe be avoided. But if it isn't? Read this book. You need to know.

You can find all my reviews at
Pulse (2006)
Pulse (2006)
2006 | Horror, Mystery
Offensively awful, legitimately reprehensible filmmaking. I challenge anyone to find a worse American remake of Japanese horror than this. Not at all shocking how mercilessly they unceremoniously gutted the original of any sense of breadth, nuance, emotion, horror, intelligence, memorability, you know - all of that stuff that actually makes a half-decent horror film because apparently us dumb Yanks just couldn't handle any ounce of it... but by God did it have to look like moldy garbage too? This may be the worst looking film I've ever seen, whoever color-coded this to look like a chemical reaction between bleach and rotting flesh better have been blacklisted from working in the film industry since. I had to stop somewhere around the halfway point (which still felt like a goddamn century even though this barely touches 90 minutes with credits) because I felt physically ill from stomaching these shit visuals for that long. Of course it's ineptly acted, too. Is this what they thought the original meant? Some doltish technophobic lecture about how cell phones are as evil as murderous demons which also doesn't have a single milliliter of character to its name? The kind of stuff that could feasibly be used in torture chambers to get information out of people. So ironic that it kept the name, because it honestly doesn't have any pulse to speak of. Needed a trigger warning for pure stupidity.
The Liars Daughter
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
‼️ Trigger warning abuse ‼️

203 of 230
The Liars Daughter
By claire Allan

Every family has it’s secrets…

Joe McKee – pillar of the Derry community – is dead. As arrangements are made for the traditional Irish wake, friends and family are left reeling at how cancer could have taken this much-loved man so soon.

But grief is the last thing that Joe’s daughter Ciara and step-daughter Heidi feel. For they knew the real Joe – the man who was supposed to protect them and did anything but.

As the mourners gather, the police do too, with doubt being cast over whether Joe’s death was due to natural causes. Because the lies that Joe told won’t be taken to the grave after all – and the truth gives his daughters the best possible motive for killing him…

A gripping suspense novel about deadly secrets and lies. The perfect read for fans of Clare Mackintosh.

I don’t know where to begin I couldn’t put it down. It deals with a very hard sensitive issue and in my opinion was so well done. It hit so many triggers and buttons but not once did I find it too much to handle or insensitive. It gives in a way 3 different accounts of abuse and survival of women who have gone through and still are suffering. So heartbreaking to read and gives a little hope!

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Forrest's #Win (Recovery Road #1) in Books

Apr 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 27, 2023)  
Forrest's #Win (Recovery Road #1)
Forrest's #Win (Recovery Road #1)
Jennifer Cody | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FORREST'S #WIN is the first book in the Recovery Road series, and WOW! Just, WOW! This story deals with the (on-page) rape of one of the main characters, and the healing process both of them undertake following that.

Okay, so first things first. The rape scene. Yes, it's on-page and yes, it's horrible. However, I felt it was written exceptionally well, giving the horror of the situation without sensationalising it. It is over fairly quickly and then the focus is on the recovery. If rape is a trigger for you, then I would think exceedingly carefully about whether this is the book for you.

Right then, moving on. Blake and Forrest are best friends first and foremost. Blake jokes about being Forrest's house-husband before he even realises he is attracted to him. For me, one of the best bits of the book is when Blake is there for Forrest, no matter what. Forrest needs a hug? He gets one. He needs to hold Blake's hand during therapy? Consider it done. Only once does he pull away from Forrest, and that is because of questions raised by the therapist.

I loved how these two worked through the therapy, their relationship growing and changing in the process. Forrest with his schedules cracked me up, but it worked for him. Faith throws a whole new aspect to the story, but once again, our main two deal with it by pulling together and communicating! Ahh, what a refreshing change!

One of the things that jarred me, to begin with, was how Forrest and Blake spoke to each other at times, but it quickly just became part of them. Plus, they were using and implementing tools given to them in therapy, which made me happy.

Overall, this is a beautiful, heartwarming story about something horrible and the recovery process, culminating in a HEA so much brighter than the two main characters could have envisaged. I loved every word and HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book. I can't wait to see what comes next. Just make sure you take heed of the Trigger Warning.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 8, 2021
Two Forces (Crescentwood #2)
Two Forces (Crescentwood #2)
R.A. Smyth | 2021 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darker, dirtier and a damn sight more dangerous!

Spoilers/warning : Please be aware there is an attempted rape scene/a rape and sex trafficking which includes reference to underage girls which could be a trigger for some readers.
    Also a few graphic descriptions of violence and sex.

Chapter one starts us on the same day we left off, only with Sophie, not Preston.
    I'm so happy that we've not jumped ahead weeks, especially after the cliffhanger of the first book. It's pretty seamless too, no subtle character discrepancies and no questions about what's happened since we were last enveloped in Crescentwood.

Sophie is as strong and sassy as ever but we get to see a more vulnerable side too. A side that puts cracks in tough exteriors of four smoking hot guys.

Each page I read makes me want a reverse harem so bad! Hot, gorgeous bad boys with tattoos and a soft spot for Sophie and some mind blowing sex.....lucky girl! I love how the boys characters are growing, how each of them is showing traits that explain why Sophie is so drawn to them.

Yet again we're left with questions and a bit of a cliffhanger but I wouldn't have it any other way, it just has me impatiently waiting for the next installment!

The epilogue is grim, twisted and puts a lot of the pieces together. It confirmed some of my theories, made me uncomfortable, oddly satisfied and quite honestly anxious about what's ahead for Sophie and the boys.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1) in Books

Oct 22, 2021 (Updated Jul 12, 2023)  
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Black Ice Heart (Unveiled Magic #1)
Abrianna Denae | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLACK ICE HEART is the first in the Unveiled Magic series. In it, we meet Jack, Summer, Spring, Autumn, Mother, and Old Man. Do these names sound familiar? They should do. This is the story of the seasons, of Mother Nature, Old Man Time, and Jack Frost, with its own unique spin as given by Abrianna Denae.

This is a dark story in places, with moments of torture and heartbreak, so please be aware of the trigger warning! There are also moments of love, friendship, and hope, that will keep you turning the pages.

There are a host of amazing characters in here, plus characters I've yet to meet properly, or fully understand. I'm hoping this will happen in future books as, being 100% honest here, some of them haven't made such a good impression.

Told from multiple perspectives, some characters only share their voice for one chapter. Others have multiple. So take your time reading and find out just who is speaking when - it will make it all so much easier.

The story feels almost complete until you reach the epilogue, and then it takes a whole new turn and you're left not knowing what will happen next.

Black Ice Heart kept my attention from beginning to end and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 22, 2021
You Won't Know Her Name
You Won't Know Her Name
Shanti Hershenson | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first heard of You Won't Know Her Name by Santi Hershenson, there was just something about the synopsis that was calling to me to read it. The synopsis really sucked me in, and I found myself wanting to know more about The Girl. I ended up loving this book!

You Won't Know Her Name is certainly not for the faint of heart. With heavy themes such as bullying and sexual assault, I knew the plot would be a dark read. However, Hershenson writes like a pro, and the way she incorporates these themes into her story didn't put me off reading. The plot is solid and interesting if a little sad at what The Girl had to go through. I loved that there were no chapters, only poems and that each poem started with a title of what the short poem would be about. Each poem flows well into the next. It really made my heart hurt for all the injustices done to the girl (and her sister). What angered me the most was how the school failed this child. Unfortunately, many schools fail bullied children every day. (I speak from personal experience). I would say that there is a plot twist in this story, but there are no cliff hangers. It's just sad that there are so many people (children and adults alike) that have to go through such horrible bullying.

The characters in You Won't Know Her Name felt very realistic. We are told early on by the author that names aren't important so no names are ever mentioned in this story. We have "The Girl" who I felt so bad for. She didn't deserve any of the hate and the uncaringness she got. I just wanted to protect her so much throughout the story and tell "The Person" (The Girl's bully) to just back off. The Person acted in such a vile way toward The Girl and her sister. It made me wonder about The Person's background though. Was The Person being bullied at home to act out that way in school? I am, by no means, excusing The Person's behavior though.

Trigger warnings for You Won't Know Her Name include sexual assault (not graphic), profanity, talks of suicide, and violence. The author has included trigger warning notices at the start of each poem that could possibly trigger some readers though.

You Won't Know Her Name is a sad but a good read. There is some good to come out of it though. You Won't Know Her Name is a thought provoking read about a subject that, sadly, many children (and adults) have to deal with although they shouldn't.

Overall, You Won't Know Her Name is a well written piece of poetic literature that everyone should read. I would highly suggest that parents read it with their child and discuss it. If you are a librarian, buy this book for your library. It's not a long book either, so even the most hesitant reader could get a lot from it. I would definitely recommend You Won't Know Her Name by Shanti Hershenson to those aged 14+. Trust me, this is a book that needs to be read.