Sean-Anthony McCormick
Joined: May 17, 2018
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Smashbomb Reviewer
Earned at May 17, 2018, 7:50:06 PMActive
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(0 KP)
INFJ Hufflepuff
INFJ Hufflepuff. Wife, mother, gamer, lover of animals, TV show and movie enthusiast, avid reader,...
Last Active: May 7, 2018

Rolando Jesus Feliciano
(3 KP)
Christian Gamer/Blogger
Let's make it simple. I'm a video gamer, anime aficionado,all around geek, foodie, Ohhh and a big...
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Chelsey Young
(29 KP)
Bookish Dreamer
A nerdy mom of two and an avid book reader and lover
Last Active: Jun 21, 2018