1917 (2020)

2020 | Drama | War

119 mins United Kingdom United States

During the First World War, two British soldiers are given the mission of carrying a vital message across enemy territory in order to prevent the massacre of their comrades.

Produced by Universal Pictures
Director Sam Mendes
Writer Sam Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns
Cast George Mackay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden, Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch

Main Image Courtesy: Universal Pictures.
Background Image Courtesy: Universal Pictures.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Universal Pictures.
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Andy K

Added this item on Aug 1, 2019

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1917 (2020) reviews from people you don't follow

Sarah (7799 KP) rated

Jan 27, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
Beautifully made
I've been dying to see this film since it was released, and finally had a free afternoon off today to go and see it, and I am so glad to say it was definitely worth the wait.

The single shot cinematography is possible the most beautiful and impressive bit of filmmaking I've ever seen. Aside from one noticeable cut, it's astounding to see how they've made this in one single shot and in such a smooth and sleek manner. Pairing this with a haunting score and some rather tense and heart wrenching scenes makes for a stunningly made film. Mendes has done a brilliant job.

And then there's the performances. The pairing of Schofield and Blake almost begins very much like a buddy movie, with a few laughs and a lot of heart warming moments, and there are great performances from Dean-Charles Chapman and George MacKay. MacKay especially is outstanding and is surely one to watch. I also enjoyed the rather brief encounters with the rest of the stellar cast of Colin Firth, Andrew Scott etc and they fit in well with the tone of the film.

My only negative is that there are a couple of what I thought of as silly decisions that seem to pop up in a lot of war films, which is mostly why I've decided to dock this down to a 9 as I groaned a little. But despite this, 1917 is definitely an outstanding film that would be very deserving of any awards it wins.

Erika (17789 KP) rated

Jan 23, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
1917 was immersive and engrossing the entire time. I had watched @They Shall Not Grow Old (2018) in preparation, and it really rounded out my experience watching 1917. It was beautifully shot, compelling, and I'll probably go see it again. I'm glad more films are being made about the Great War.
It deserved the Golden Globe, and it'll deserve every Oscar it wins.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated

Aug 16, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
1917 is a remarkable film through and through, and I can't praise it enough.
The cast, the cinematography, the set pieces, the music score are all outstanding.

The plot revolves around Lance Corporals Schofield (George McKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) embarking on a seemingly impossible mission across no man's land in Northern France, deep into enemy territory to deliver a message to a fellow regiment, with the aim of preventing them from walking into a trap and potentially losing 1600 soldiers.
The two lead actors are fantastic, portraying two soldiers leaning on each other to achieve their goal.
The journey that takes place is tough and harrowing at times. There's a point about half way through the movie where the pace just doesn't slow down once. It's extremely intense, and bolstered infinitely by the shooting style.

The film is shot in a way that gives the viewer the impression of a one take movie. It's edited together so well that it appears seamless, and allows for some truly breathtaking moments, and never lets you break away from events unfolding. It caught my attention immediately and never lost it for one second.
This method allows for a very stylish looking experience, but it's a kind of style that never detracts or takes away from the horror of war. It's a perfect combination, ensuring that scenes of action feel relentless, whilst sadder moments are suitably poignant and perfectly executed. The emotional beats in 1917 are something else and took me by surprise. I have no shame in saying that I was fighting back tears a couple of times.

By the times the credits rolled, I was just sat in stunned silence, something that has only happened to me a few times before when it comes to movies.
1917 is pretty much perfect. A great war film, a great drama, and en effective exploration of what friendship and duty really mean.
Make the time to watch it if you haven't already!

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated

Jan 20, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
The visuals (1 more)
The representation of the war
The War (0 more)
The War Within The War
1917- is a excellent, phenomenal, epic, fantastic visuals, a remarkable/extraordinary journey that is sad to watch, because it takes place within the war, so people get wounded/injured, people get killed, people go through hell in war just to live to see the next day. People get hungry, tired, dont get to see their family, their have to survive, survival is the only key. And 1917 shows that, 1917 shows the representation of the war, 1917 shows all of that and more. Sam Mendes shows the representation, the struggle, the journey, no man's land and so much more of the war. As to appear as one continuous shot. Which was excellent/phemomenal.

The Plot: During World War I, two British soldiers -- Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake -- receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades -- including Blake's own brother.

A must, a very must watch film. If you havent seen 1917 than go out and see it. Cause this movie will win best picture.

James Koppert (2698 KP) Jan 20, 2020

Loved it

1917 (2020) reviews from people you don't follow

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated

Jan 15, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
The single continuous shot is exceotional (0 more)
War is bad (0 more)
Having lived all my life with paranormal activity, horror films just don't scare me. This however really did scare the life out of me. How these men did this day in day out without going crazy I don't know. This film is a tribute to them.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated

Jan 11, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
Poor Wayfaring Stranger
1917 is magnificently filmed, teeth clenchingly tense and emotionaly draining from start to finish. A journey film of a two men but unlike any war film thats come before it both visual wise and in regards to story telling. More about the trek, land and character progression rather than focusing on gun fights and combat 1917 gains your complete attention and focus right away from its gorgeous opening. What follows is a series of about 7 seemingly one take expertly designed and pulled off tracking shots which are simply breathtaking to whitness. These shots are a joy to experience and not only seem seamlessly tied together but ensure we never lose sight of our heros helping us to really feel like we are beside them as they face numerous obstacles/perils on this tough expedition. Theres alot of tree/growth metaphors here which makes sense since the two lads start off as mere boys given a mission so seemingly impossible that death seens inevitable forcing them to grow up, learn and mature into men if they want to even survive. Sets are fantastic each one is magnificently vast/epicly sprawling and these wastelands are littered with debris/bodies depicting the aftermath of previous skirmishes and desruction. Its actually insane the amount of storytelling/detail going on constantly in the surroundings and the way this helps give extra weight to the world and over all story is staggering as well as visually breathtaking/impactful. See terrain is just as much an enemy here and seeing these lads battle mud, water and building collapses really emphasis that the mission is just as much about survial as it is time constraints. Great messages about how strong the power of hope can be even when the odds are severely stacked against us theres always something beautiful, magical or meaningful that keeps us pushing on or that makes us find the courage to go beyond what we thought we were ever capable of. A brilliantly acted, flawlessly filmed, epic scale journey of an intense character struggle accompanied by a heart pounding adrenalin inducing score and beautiful cinematography make 1917 is a truly stunning and absolutely fantasic experience.
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
The Cinematography! WOW, just wow.... seemingly all one cut (0 more)
That the theater wasn't full. (0 more)
Truly a movie worth seeing in the theater, best of this year by far!
I don't love war movies and I was hesitant to see it, as watching large amounts of people shooting and killing each other doesn't make me happy. But this movie is about surviving, and going on, and making the best of things, and doing your job. It's also about heroism, and humanity. Yes it is beautiful and gritty and uncomfortable, it's all things you think it should be. This might even be one of the best movies I've seen in multiple years.... I'd have to think on it some more, but this is one of the most satisfied times I've ever left a movie theater feeling. And a great date night film, ripe for discussion afterwards over dinner, or dessert.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jan 29, 2020



BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated

Jan 12, 2020  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
Tour-de-Force filmmaking
I have just viewed the film that WILL WIN the Oscars for Best Picture, Director and Cinematography (and probably many, many more).

Yes, 1917 is that good.

A tour-de-force presentation of a film, 1917 tells the tale of 2 soldiers in WW 1 that are tasked with bringing a message across "no man's land" to prevent a company of soldiers from walking into an ambush.

Director Sam Mendes (SKYFALL) chose to shoot this film in such a way as to give the impression that this film is just one long shot. While it is not (he shot it in about 8 minute bursts), the choreography of the action is staged in such a way that the cuts are seamless and unnoticeable. It is a master class in Directing from Mendes, for - though it is an interesting "gimmick" that puts us (literally) in the shoes (and steps) of the 2 young soldiers on their mission - this gimmick does not get in the way of the film. It helps and enhances the film, you can sit back in your chair and forget about "the gimmick" and just get wrapped up, emotionally, in the story that is being told.

And...getting wrapped up, emotionally, you will be. For the story, events, struggles and triumphs of these 2 soldiers are brilliantly brought to the screen from Director Mendes and Cinematograper-extraordinaire Roger Deakins (14 time Oscar nominee - from SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION to his win, finally, in BLADE RUNNER 2049). These 2 (and their crew) suck you into the action and tensions of the situation. You feel every step that these soldiers take.

Since you spend the entire movie with them, Mendes has done a tremendous job of casting 2 charismatic (but not overly so) actors as the 2 soldiers. Dean-Charles Chapman (Tommen Baratheon in GAME OF THRONES) is determined, focused and single-minded as the lead soldier on this trek - he has personal stakes in this mission - as his brother is in the invasion force that is going to be ambushed. Chapman does a nice job of finding the balance - and making a true person - out of a character that has a single, over-arching mission. It is strong subtle work.

But, to me, the standout in this film is George MacKay (CAPTAIN FANTASTIC) as the buddy who is "brought along". This could have been just another "reluctant war hero" character, but MacKay brings a sense of decency and vulnerability to the early scenes of his character (where he could have just as easily played the "reluctant companion"). These nuanced character dimensions take root later on in the film and elevate this actor - and this role - above the norm.

Mendes brings in a "who's who" of modern British acting stars to fill important extended cameo roles - Colin Firth, Andrew Scott, Mark Strong and Benedict Cumberbatch all bring gravitas and heft to their brief appearances on screen.

This is not the fastest paced film you will ever see - and I think that this serves the film well. It earns its pace and I was drawn in, emotionally, in a way that would not have worked had Mendes rushed the pace (especially early on).

But this film (and Mendes and Deakins) shines during the battle scenes. Even though we are following 2 foot soldiers, they set up the boundaries of these battles in such a way that you understand what is going on - and what is at stake - at least to the 2 soldiers we are following. It is in these scenes that this film really finds its footing. I was drawn even further into the intimate, emotional stakes of these characters at those moments.

A marvelous piece of film making that shows a Director and Cinematographer at the top of their games.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)