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A Feast for Odin

2016 | Business / Industrial | Economic | Medieval | Puzzle

Using the central board in A Feast for Odin, players have to hunt, gather basic materials, refine those materials, develop their production-buildings, build/buy ships, and raid settlements.

The resulting earnings are placed on the players' board in the best possible pattern to produce income and (later) victory points.

2017 International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee
2016 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Nominee
2016 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee
2016 Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee
2016 Cardboard Republic Daredevil Laurel Winner
2016 Cardboard Republic Daredevil Laurel Nominee

No. of Players 1-4
Playing Time 30-120 min
Age 12+
Mechanics Area Enclosure, Dice Rolling, Pattern Building, Press Your Luck, Tile Placement, Worker Placement
Designer Uwe Rosenberg
Artist Dennis Lohausen
Publisher Feuerland Spiele

Boardgames UweGames

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Feuerland Spiele.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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The Marinated Meeple

Added this item on Mar 6, 2018

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A Feast for Odin reviews from people you don't follow

Kris Hickman (21 KP) rated

May 17, 2018  
A Feast for Odin
A Feast for Odin
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Medieval, Puzzle
High Quality Components (5 more)
Great Setting
Lots of options & Avenues of play
Beautiful & Colorful
Easy to play, hard to master
High replayability
Thematics don't really match mechanisms (2 more)
Lots of bits, hard to set up and break down.
A Feast for Odin
A Feast for Odin
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Medieval, Puzzle
use of polyominos (Tetris pieces) (3 more)
ridiculously large amount of choices, and all seem viable
Art and Design
Uwe Rosenbergs masterpiece in modern gaming
Full Disclosure: I've only played it 4 times, two player with my wife... but we love it so far. The depth of the game is intimidating with so many pieces and a large price tag. But wow, you get so MUCH in the box.

The thought process that you can focus on Whaling, and Raiding, or maybe you want to do a little animal breeding and making clothing, maybe you prefer to mine the mountains, and craft items from the stone, maybe you want to trade goods with other islands, and hunt. there is so much to do and you can't do it all but focusing on a few things and being really good at it, that is the game.... I cannot recommend this game enough it's the best new game I played last year (2019)