Alien (1979)

1979 | Horror | Sci-Fi

117 mins United Kingdom United States

After a space merchant vessel perceives an unknown transmission as a distress call, its landing on the source moon finds one of the crew attacked by a mysterious life-form, and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.

Produced by 20th Century Fox
Director Ridley Scott
Writer Dan O'Bannon
Cast Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Yaphet Kotto and Helen Horton

Alien Xenomorph

Main Image Courtesy: 20th Century Fox.
Background Image Courtesy: 20th Century Fox.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: 20th Century Fox.
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Added this item on Feb 23, 2017

Alien (1979) Reviews & Ratings (89)
69.7% (62)
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