The Art of Building a Garden City: Designing New Communities for the 21st Century

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The Art of Building a Garden City: Designing New Communities for the 21st Century

2017 | Science & Mathematics

The Art of Building a Garden City is a well-researched guide to the history of the garden city movement and the delivery of a new generation of communities for the 21st Century. Bringing together key findings from the TCPA's campaign work, and drawing on lessons from the first garden cities, the new towns programme and other large-scale developments, it identifies what steps need to be taken in order to deliver the highest standards of design and place making today.

Published by RIBA Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781859466209
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: RIBA Publishing.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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