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Book | Entertainment


Thousands of FREE audiobooks await. Whether you're stuck in traffic, powering through your workout or cramming for an English test—Audiobooks puts the most beloved audiobooks at your finger tips.

Now with Apple Watch support! You can now control the playback of your audiobooks right from your wrist. Easily select from books in your library, switch chapters, or control playback. The included Glance view (accessible from the Apple Watch's clock) shows you the currently playing book and how far you are in the current chapter.

Or if you don't have time for an audiobook you can listen to a Podcast instead. Podcasts are like your own personalized radio station, proving a steady stream of topical, fun episodes to enjoy.

In addition to the great free content, we also include a growing collection of premium audiobooks for your enjoyment. These include professionally narrated modern best sellers and hand-selected classics edited for maximum quality.

Features include:

- Thousands of fantastic, free Audiobooks for you to choose from
- A carefully curated collection of Podcasts to enjoy
- Offline download perfect for your commute
- Background and AirPlay enabled playback
- Dark Mode to be easy on your eyes at night
- Fully customizable Sleep Timer.


Published by Cross Forward Consulting, LLC
Developed by Cross Forward Consulting, LLC
Certificate 12+
Languages English
Compatibility iPad, iPhone, iPod

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Cross Forward Consulting, LLC.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.