Authority Self-Publishing: Marketing, Writing and Kindle Publishing Tips for Authors

Authority Self-Publishing: Marketing, Writing and Kindle Publishing Tips for Authors


Authority Self-Publishing is a show where you can get detailed advice from three author marketing experts: Steve Scott, Barrie Davenport, and Ron Clendenin. Primarily, they cover Amazon Kindle publishing strategies (through the KDP platform). But they also offers a variety of marketing tactics you can use to grow your book-based business. Each episode contains 30+ minutes of actionable content you can immediately apply to your writing business. Tune in every Monday and Thursday to get the latest news on indie publishing. Finally, each episode comes with detailed show notes where you can get a recap of the content and all the resource links that are mentioned.

Publisher Self-Publishing Tips and Amazon Marketing Advice for Authors
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Self-Publishing Tips and Amazon Marketing Advice for Authors.
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