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Barbie (2018)

2018 | Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy

110 mins United States

A Barbie doll living in Barbieland is expelled from the world for not being perfect enough, too eccentric and not fitting the usual mold. She goes on an adventure in the real world and by the time she returns to Barbieland to save it, she has gained the realization that perfection comes on the inside, not the outside, and that the key to happiness is belief in oneself.

Produced by Sony Pictures
Director Alethea Jones
Writer Lindsey Beer and Jenny Bicks
Cast Anne Hathaway , . and .

adventure comedy fantasy

Main Image Courtesy: Sony Pictures.
Background Image Courtesy: Sony Pictures.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Sony Pictures.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

Barbie (2018) Reviews & Ratings (9)
11.1% (1)
33.3% (3)
11.1% (1)
11.1% (1)
33.3% (3)