Beautifully optimized for the iPhone 5 display, Barista™ is an app that will help you create cafe-quality espresso at home. It's a personal, portable tutor aimed at equipping you with the knowledge you need to get the most out of your espresso machine.
Features include:
✔ Step-by-step instructions for the most common espresso beverages
✔ Beautifully shot HD video demonstrations of Espresso Machine Basics and two latte art techniques
✔ Tips such as selecting, storing and grinding coffee beans, tamping and extracting single and double shots, texturing milk, pouring latte art and more
✔ An Extraction Timer
✔ A Coffee Talk glossary of espresso-related terms and equipment
Featuring iPhone 5 optimized graphics, Barista takes you one big step closer to that perfect espresso.
Use the built-in camera to take photos of beverages and save them into categorized galleries so that you can track your progress as you improve.
What people have said about Barista:
"From the first shot I pulled after buying this app, my guests noticed a difference."
- Erik Hamilton ✭✭✭✭✭
"I used to work for the Big Green Coffee Monster...This app is great because it is helping me unlearn the bad things charbux taught me."
- phi1294, 5 stars ✭✭✭✭✭
"Very good app. I am a barista and I use this app to train others in becoming baristas too. ✭✭✭✭✭" (Wyatt Raymond via feedback)
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Glasshouse Apps Pty Ltd.
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with Fair Use.