Belot multiplayer game - bridge belote
Bridge-belote, belote or belot is a popular card game. Belot is played by four people ( 2 teams of 2 players) with a deck of 32 cards. They are the Kings(K), Queens(Q), Jacks(J), Aces(A), Tens(10), Nines(9), Eights(8) and Sevens(7). All four colours are used - Spade, Diamond, Hearts and Clubs .
About bids and contracts in belot : The lowest bid is 'Spade' ,'Diamond' is higher than 'Spade', 'Hearts' is higher than 'Diamond', 'Clubs' is the highest of all colours. After that comes 'Not Trump'. The highest possible bid is 'All Trump'
The first team to reach 151 points is the winner.
Bulgarian card games: Belot app is written in Bulgarian only.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Konstantin Dzhenkov.
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