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Book | Entertainment


We love books, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right one. That’s why we’ve created BookBeat – The ultimate tool to find and listen to audiobooks. You’ll even get recommendations from us, and the best part? You can do it all directly from your mobile! It’s the most convenient way to bring some great listening to your day.

With BookBeat you get access to a huge range of audiobooks like the latest releases and classics in every imaginable genre. You can simply listen on your mobile or tablet, any time you have a moment to your self.

Published by BookBeat AB
Developed by BookBeat AB
Certificate 12+
Languages German, English, Finnish, Swedish
Compatibility iPad, iPhone, iPod

Images And Data Courtesy Of: BookBeat AB.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.