From Borneo to Lockerbie: Memoirs of an RAF Helicopter Pilot

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From Borneo to Lockerbie: Memoirs of an RAF Helicopter Pilot

2013 | Biography

Geoff Leeming belongs to an elite group of helicopter pilots. He describes his flying experiences in under-powered,and by today's high-tech standards, basic choppers such as the single-engined Whirlwinds and its successor, the Wessex, whether in turbulent tropical conditions, windswept mountains or low level over raging seas. Much of Geoff's flying career was in Search and Rescue (SAR) calling for the highest flying skills and the coolest of nerves. It fell to the pilot to make life-and-death decisions both for their crews and those they were rescuing. In addition to many great SAR accounts this book begins with accounts of action in Borneo in the 1960s and ends with Geoff's fascinating account of his flying involvement in the aftermath of the Pan Am Lockerbie disaster. The result is a medley of cockpit experiences 'par excellence'.

Published by Pen & Sword Books Ltd

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781848847651
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Pen & Sword Books Ltd.
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