Brainio – Tic Tac Toe Unlimited, Five in a Row

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Brainio – Tic Tac Toe Unlimited, Five in a Row

Games | Entertainment


Tic-tac-toe is a strategic board game that everybody can play. The goal is to create five symbols in a row before your opponent. This game is easy to learn but very difficult to master.

Braino - TicTacToe app is user friendly and easy to use. Player can choose single player mode with one of three computer levels or player vs. player mode on one device. When connected to Internet, app provides online matches using Game Center service where you can play with real professional. Match results are evaluated by ELO rating system that computes your score considering the level of your opponent.

Published by Pavel Smejkal
Developed by Pavel Smejkal
Certificate 4+
Languages Czech, English
Compatibility iPad, iPhone, iPod

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Pavel Smejkal.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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