Celestial Sex


Celestial Sex, hosted by Chris Duce and produced by Colin Hatch, is an interview series about love and sex through the lens of Mormon upbringing. Our conversations dive into the confusing nature of growing up in Mormonism where sexuality is taught as something that's beautiful and sacred, but can only be explored after you're married- usually very quickly in between the temple sealing and the reception in the back of an '88 Mercury Tracer. Recorded in Los Angeles, we speak with post-mormons, ex-mormons, jacked-mormons, and active mormons alike about their parents' timid explanations of where babies come from, awkward bishop interviews that mostly focus on masturbation, first sexual experiences, current outlook on sex, and more.

Publisher Chris Duce
Website http://celestialsex.com
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Chris Duce.
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