Conceptualist Landscapes: An Alternative Way to Design Gardens
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2014 | Home & Garden
Conceptual gardens depend on inspiration which is the result of an exhaustive intellectual process. The starting point is an IDEA or stimulus that pushes the design along, rather than observing more conventional styles - whether classical of modernist - into which idea or relationships are fitted. Horticultural considerations, architectural or aesthetic doctrines and practically-based problem-solving are either abandoned or regarded as a means to an end, rather than the end in itself. Idea-driven design, therefore, cannot be taught by a 'rule-of-thumb' methodology. So, the way to design a conceptualist garden is not the theme of this book; nor does it contain 'of-the-peg' solutions for garden and landscape designers. Rather it encourages student and professional designers to think further towards their designed solutions.
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Published by | Packard Publishing Ltd |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9781853411458 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Packard Publishing Ltd.
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