
2017 | Massively Multiplayer | Role-Playing


The game will play similarly to most MMORPGs, with the camera in a third person view with the player allowed to go anywhere. Where it differs is in the game's world system. There will be five systems of worlds, also known as campaigns. The systems will be "Eternal Kingdoms", "God's Reach", "The Infected", "The Shadow", and "Dregs", each with a different set of rules dictating them. Each world will also be procedurally generated, and will go through a cycle of life and death, starting with spring to summer, fall, and ending with winter. At the end of winter the campaign ends, and the world is gone forever, though the players will remain, allowed to travel to other worlds. Campaigns can last for 1, 3, or 6 months, to a year. The only worlds that don't die are the Eternal Kingdoms, where player housing is.

At the start of a campaign, players will spawn in the newly created world during spring, filled with villages, mines, gather-able resources, and ruins. The world map is clouded by fog, meaning players will have to explore to discover its geography. With the resources they gather, players will be able to craft weapons and build castles and fortresses for defense against the other players and wildlife. As summer begins, resources become more scarce, and the world's monsters become more and more powerful. This continues with each season, the force doing this being called 'The Hunger' in the game's lore.

Depending on the world, there will be a different set of campaign victory conditions, along with the rules of the world itself changing depending on the campaign. After the campaign is over, players may go back to their homes in the Eternal Kingdoms, where there are its own set of rules as well.

Published by ArtCraft
Developed by ArtCraft

massively multiplayer role-playing


Content is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. May contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language.

Main Image Courtesy: ArtCraft.
Background Image Courtesy: ArtCraft.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: ArtCraft.
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