Dawn of the Dumb
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2012 | Humor & Comedy
Polite, pensive, mature, reserved ...Charlie Brooker is none of these things and less. Picking up where his hilarious Screen Burn left off, "Dawn of the Dumb" collects the best of Charlie Brooker's recent TV writing, together with uproarious spleen-venting diatribes on a range of non-televisual subjects - tackling everything from David Cameron to human hair. Rude, unhinged, outrageous, and above all funny, "Dawn of the Dumb" is essential reading for anyone with a brain and a spinal cord. And hands for turning the pages.
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Published by | Faber & Faber |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9780571297641 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Faber & Faber.
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