Demolition Man (1993)

1993 | Action | Comedy | Drama

115 mins

A Los Angeles policeman and his ruthless nemesis from 1996—sentenced to frozen incarceration as inmates—return into 2032 when they re-enter a bewildering and pacifist society.

Sandra Bullock stars as 21st Century cop Lenina Huxley who resorts to desperate measures to apprehend killer Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), who has escaped cryoprison: she reanimates a no-holds-barred 20th Century cop named John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) who had also been sentenced to cryoprison, known in an earlier century as the Demolition Man.

Now two men from another time bring a level of non-stop action long unseen in this future, idyllic world.

Produced by Warner Home Video
Director Marco Brambilla
Writer Peter M. Lenkov
Cast Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, Nigel Hawthorne, Benjamin Bratt, Bob Gunton, Glenn Shadix and Denis Leary

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Warner Home Video.
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Andy K

Added this item on Feb 23, 2017

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Demolition Man (1993) reviews from people you don't follow

Peter G. (247 KP) rated

Jun 5, 2019  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
Highly entertaining Stallone Vehicle that almost has the show stolen from under him by a perfect performance of crazy from Wesley Snipes.
This future fish out of water action movie has an old formula and at times cheesy dialogue but the comedy element keeps it interesting, an underrated and ofter berated 90's actioner that is great fun to rewatch!

Andrew Sinclair (25 KP) rated

Nov 25, 2019 (Updated Nov 25, 2019)  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
I've decided it will be fun to review this classic action-packed sci-fi thriller as I watch it. I've watched it many times before and I guess I'm feeling nostalgic.

The film opens with a violent action scene with Stallone the hero pursuing his nemesis Wesley Snipes. It's tense stuff as they come face to face and stare each other down. It's literally an explosive beginning. Snipes manic laughter in that first scene gives you an idea of the kind of psychopath he is playing. After the destruction they have both caused they are both sentenced to be cryogenicly frozen for their crimes. That's a harsh punishment for an over-zealous cop but probably a fair one for a psychotic killer.

35 years later and America is a very different place. There is barely any crime but very little freedom. It is even illegal to swear. It's this philosophical debate that the film sheds light on which makes it both intriguing and funny. When the main characters, Snipes first then Stallone, find themselves in this supposed utopia their reactions are both humorous and volatile.

However one character played by Sandra Bullock actually appreciates Stallone's hardline old-fashioned ways as she has a fascination for the 20th Century. This creates an amusing and romantic interaction between them. Her inept attempts at 20th Century phrases adds to the comedy.

The scene where the police need instructions to arrest a violent criminal from a device which is like a modern day tablet makes me smile. And the line "We're police officers. We're not trained for this kind of violence!" makes me laugh out loud.

There is also a conspiracy story line. Snipes was released on purpose in order to hunt down rebels who resent the choice limiting laws. Meanwhile others unaware of this conspiracy release Stallone in order to capture Snipes. Then things really kick off!

The list of things that have been made illegal is laughable and this is brilliantly summed up with Stallone's line "Are you shitting me?!"

The films futuristic vision is entertaining and is also a good vehicle for humour as Stallone and Snipes are constantly taken aback by the technology. They both finally cross paths again in a museum where Snipes is stealing old weapons as of course weapons are illegal now. From this point on they continue their cat and mouse pursuit until the spectacular climax.

I love this film! It's over the top full-on fun which also manages to be philosophically thought-provoking. Definitely worth watching!

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated

Sep 17, 2019 (Updated Sep 17, 2019)  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
Blade vs Rocky
Demolition Man- is one of those early 90's sci-fi action movies with two big action stars. Well Stallone at the time, Snipes would be in the Blade Trilogy later on.

The Plot: With innocent victims caught in the crossfire in Los Angeles' intensifying war on crime, both cop John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) and violent thug Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) are sentenced to a state of frozen incarceration known as "CryoPrison." When Spartan is finally thawed 36 years later, it's 2032, and Los Angeles is now a pacifist utopia called San Angeles. But with Phoenix again on the loose, Spartan must team up with future cop Lenina (Sandra Bullock) to apprehend the killer.

Oh yea by the way this movie is set in the future.

I would recorddmend this movie.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated

Nov 13, 2018 (Updated Nov 13, 2018)  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
If you’ve never seen Demolition Man, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Awesome Nineties Movie Statute: 25th Anniversary Review
It’s been a quarter of a century since “Demolition Man” first blew us on screen, licking our ass and matching our meet with its blend of high-octane action and surprisingly prescient sci-fi. With only 14 years to go until Simon Phoenix and John Spartan are thawed out, it’s time to celebrate the movies 25th anniversary, so I’d like to invite you to join me, at Taco Bell!

Demolition Man (1993) reviews from people you don't follow

Dean (6927 KP) rated

Feb 25, 2018  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
A good fun futuristic action film. Snipes is very funny in this, has some cool martial art scenes as well. Also stars Sandra Bullock, one you can watch over many times.

David McK (3473 KP) rated

Feb 1, 2021  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
"There's a new Shepherd in town..."
I think I first saw this movie in the cinema when it came out.

In 1993.

So nearly 30 years ago now (writing this in early 2021).

Starring a pre tax evasion Wesley Snipes, Sylvester Stallone and a very young Sandra Bullock, this is a sci fi actioner set in a (supposedly) utopian future where there is no crime, and in which Snipes character of Simon Phoenix escapes from his cryo-freeze prison (in which he was placed in 1996!), leading the hopelessly outmatched police force of the time to reanimated his original captor John Spartan (Stallone) at the suggestion of the 90s-mad Sandra Bullock Lieutenant Huxley, who was also put on ice after being framed by Phoenix for the killing of 30 civilians.

Yes, it's aged.

Yes, it still well worth a watch.

Andy K (10823 KP) created a video

Jan 6, 2018 (Updated Jan 7, 2018)  

Simon Pheonix Beats Up Cops


Andy K (10823 KP) created a video

Jan 6, 2018 (Updated Jan 7, 2018)  

