DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. Our Search & Stories app offers you real privacy with smarter search and stories you'll love!
Real Privacy. From funny videos to health and finance questions, searches are a reflection of your personal life. That's why we don't collect or share your personal information:
• We don't track you -
• We don't filter bubble you -
Smarter Search. We help you get where you want to go in fewer clicks. We do that through:
• Instant answers from hundreds of sources.
• Auto-suggest featuring our !bang commands that help you search directly on thousands of other sites.
Stories you'll love. We feature the most enjoyed stories from hand-crafted sources:
• #1 stories like most emailed or upvoted.
• Readability view for faster reading.
You can always reach us at, or via email at We listen!
Disclaimer: While we can and will ensure your privacy at DuckDuckGo, we cannot ensure that other sites you visit from the app will similarly respect your privacy.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Duck Duck Go, Inc..
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance
with Fair Use.