EntheoNation: Psychedelics | Shamanism | Visionary Culture

EntheoNation: Psychedelics | Shamanism | Visionary Culture

Religion & Spirituality

EntheoNation is a web show featuring visionaries pioneering the cutting-edge of awakening through psychedelic science, modern shamanism, & new paradigm lifestyles. Visionary states have the power to connect us with knowledge, creativity, healing, self-mastery, and awakening, so that we can experience the love, joy, and abundance that is our birthright. EntheoNation is about connecting us with the power of vision, so we can ignite the global spiritual awakening needed to heal our planet and take inspired action. Join Lorna Liana as she chats with ethnobotanists, contemporary shamans, psychedelic researchers, indigenous leaders, visionary artists, evolutionary entrepreneurs, new paradigm thought leaders, and neuroscientists into visionary experiences and conscious evolution.

Publisher Lorna Liana: Modern Shamana, Visionary Voyager, Amazon Adventurer & Evolutionary Entrepreneur
Website https://entheonation.com
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Lorna Liana: Modern Shamana, Visionary Voyager, Amazon Adventurer & Evolutionary Entrepreneur.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.