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Travel | Lifestyle | Stickers
Find and share local and authentic places while supporting the local community. FairTrip is a collaborative app: anyone can share places that are referenced according to our guidelines promoting fair and sustainable travel.
More than 600 places and counting are referenced all around the world, covering Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, North and South America, and Europe.
FairTrip is among the innovative projects for sustainable tourism featured on the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development's official website.
FairTrip is free. No account creation is needed.
We have only one goal: put FairTrip in the hands of all travelers wanting to find authentic places all around the world and have the biggest and widest impact to make tourism fair and sustainable.
Now, it's your turn to change the world. Start sharing places today and contribute to change the way we travel!
Main features:
- Find local and authentic places : locate homestays, guesthouses, hotels, local restaurants, street food, activities, local markets, NGOs and more, all selected by FairTrip based on our guidelines.
- Share the authentic places you want to support and we'll add them to FairTrip. Because together, we can make a difference.
- Write reviews and leave ratings for the places you visited.
- Offline use: all places are stored locally and the map is stored in cache. You can even share places while being offline: they will automatically be sent next time you're online.
We believe that tourism can truly become a lever of inclusive and sustainable economic growth as well as a vector of world poverty reduction.
This is why FairTrip's goal is to create a global community to help travelers find local and authentic places that would allow them to live special and unforgettable travel experiences while at the same time having a positive impact on the visited place.
We believe in a fair and sustainable tourism.
Together, let’s change the world by traveling!
Travel Different
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Published by | FairTrip |
Developed by | FairTrip |
Certificate | 4+ |
Languages | English, French |
Compatibility | iPhone, iPad, iPod |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: FairTrip.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance
with Fair Use.