Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)

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Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)


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Published by Roc

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9780451458124
Language English

Main Image Courtesy: Orbit.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Roc.
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Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2) Reviews & Ratings (19)
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Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2) reviews from people you don't follow

Cori June (3033 KP) rated

Dec 23, 2018  
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
World Building (0 more)
I love how quickly I can read these books. I start at page one and next thing I know it's two hours later and I'm 100 pages in. Harry's sarcasm and slight self deprivation helps lighten some if the darker aspects of the book. we see more people and feel the fallout from the last book.

Tom Turner (388 KP) rated

Apr 30, 2021  
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
On the surface of things the Dresden Files are pulpy urban fantasy novels, but having just finished this, the second in the series I'm begining to understand why others rave about them. The world building is quite incredible, especially given I hear it just gets better from here!

Gareth Michael Lewis (6 KP) rated

Jan 20, 2018  
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Each book makes this world a little bigger and scarier (0 more)
A worthy follow-up to Storm Front
I'll be upfront, I love this series of novels so will be fairly biased.
Our erstwhile hero, Harry Dresden, faces new threats in this book from wolves, werewolves and the authorities (mortal, magical and fae) and he has only his wits and his friends (few and far between) to help him.
Dresden is a believable hero in an unbelievable world. Magic has a cost, it doesn't solve everything, and sometimes a guy has to rely on himself and those he holds most dear in order to win the day, or even survive it.

Melja Gregory (2 KP) rated

Jan 5, 2018  
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
7.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good character building (1 more)
Good enhancement of world
A little repetitive on some parts (0 more)
Good building on a world of magic
A good second book in the series that would become my favorite. Jim is still trying a bit in this to find his voice, and the writing will develop more fully in the next couple of books, but still a solid addition to the series. Dresden is a very human and relatable hero, but with a wonderfully crafty mind and hilarious self-depreciating sense of humor.