Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development, and Verification

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Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development, and Verification

2012 | Computing & IT

Autonomic computing and networking (ACN), a concept inspired by the human autonomic system, is a priority research area and a booming new paradigm in the field. Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development, and Verification outlines the characteristics, novel approaches of specification, refinement, programming and verification associated with ACN. The goal of ACN and the topics covered in this work include making networks and computers more self-organized, self- configured, self-healing, self-optimizing, self-protecting, and more. This book helpfully details the steps necessary towards realizing computer and network autonomy and its implications.

Published by IGI Global

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781609608453
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: IGI Global.
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