A Good African Story: How a Small Company Built a Global Coffee Brand

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A Good African Story: How a Small Company Built a Global Coffee Brand

2014 | Business & Finance

Since it was founded in 2003, Good African Coffee has helped thousands of farmers earn a decent living, send their children to school and escape a spiral of debt and dependence. Africa has received over $1 trillion in aid over the last fifty years and yet despite these huge inflows, the continent remains mired in poverty, disease and systemic corruption. In A Good African Story, as Andrew Rugasira recounts the very personal story of his company and the challenges that he has faced - and overcome - as an African entrepreneur, he provides a tantalising glimpse of what Africa could be, and argues that trade has achieved what years of aid have failed to deliver. This is a book about Africa taking its destiny in its own hands, and dictating the terms of its future.

Published by Vintage Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9780099571926
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Vintage Publishing.
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