Graphic Design X100
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2014 | Architecture & Design
Graphic design is the creation of visual contents in various media, whose presentation conveys information to other people. The field is interdisciplinary and subject to constantly changing conditions and different interpretations. This unusual book presents 100 young designers as well as established graphic companies, each on a double page designed by him, her or them. All artists were given the same sample page and the same specified font sizes and number of key strokes. They were free to design the contents of the pages themselves, arrange the text and individual pictures. Minimalist pages are juxtaposed to seemingly overloaded compositions, limited colors to expressive shapes and colors. This resulted in a comprehensive cornucopia of graphic possibilities and trends of the early second decade of the 21st century.
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Published by | Braun Publishing AG |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9783037681633 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Braun Publishing AG.
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