The Hangover Part III (2013)

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The Hangover Part III (2013)

2013 | Comedy

112 mins

A mob leader kidnaps one of the "Wolfpack" and sends the others to track down Chow (who stole gold bullion from him) before he will release their friend back to them.

Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures
Director Todd Phillips
Writer Todd Phillips
Cast Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Ken Jeong, Heather Graham, Sasha Barrese, Justin Bartha and Tim Sitarz

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Warner Bros. Pictures.
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Added this item on Feb 23, 2017

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The Hangover Part III (2013) reviews from people you don't follow

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated

Nov 2, 2020 (Updated Nov 2, 2020)  
The Hangover Part III (2013)
The Hangover Part III (2013)
2013 | Comedy
Mostly dogshit. Actually starts out better than the second one and maintains its footing for a good while before it deflates; at that point it had more laughs, was more lively and colorful - in fact it still looks okay overall aside from the Nickelodeon-tier green screen and occasional CGI eyesores. But by God do none of these people want to be here, not like their characters are given anything to do anyways but Cooper and Helms particularly give their performances as if they were *legitimately* drugged and hungover. Just lacks passion, it's unmistakable that this was only made as a last-ditch effort to use this once original and deeply funny franchise as a shambling vehicle to print more money. Yes it tried to take a different route for its story but at what cost? It removes all the trademark mystery and fun clue-finding of the other two and replaces it with an oftentimes unbearably tedious "get-this-do-that" rinse and repeat chore that ends with a shrug. Now everyone is just a hollow archetype of their previously charming (but no more) characters and the back hour is violently unfunny. In the end it couldn't care less about its own existence. Far from the worst thing I've ever seen but just an all-around despicable example of how low sequels can stoop.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) created a video

Nov 2, 2020 (Updated Nov 3, 2020)  


The Hangover Part III (2013)
The Hangover Part III (2013)
2013 | Comedy
When “The Hangover” came out in 2009 it did so with modest expectations. Few critics expected it to become a box office smash much less the highest grossing R rated comedy of its time. Naturally a sequel followed and despite mixed reviews, “The Hangover 2” reaped in millions and vaulted over the original in terms of earnings. So, it was no surprise when “The Hangover 3” was announced and that the cast and writer/director Todd Phillips would be back again for the further adventures of The Wolfpack.

The films starts with dysfunctional Alan (Zach Galifianakis), creating a spectacular mess and being his usual spoiled and oblivious self though the consequences which have tragic ramifications. His friends Stu (Ed Helms), Phil (Bradley Cooper), and Doug (Justin Bartha), decide that an intervention is needed and convince a reluctant Alan to get some help from a clinic in Arizona.

En route, the group is run off the road which results in Doug being held hostage by a criminal (John Goodman) who wants to use the group to bring in insane criminal Leslie Chow (ken Jeong). The group is told they have three days to find Chow and save Doug. It turns out Alan is the only one to have any contact with Chow since he was incarcerated. The guys soon find themselves in Tijuana hatching a desperate attempt to capture and return the demented Chow.

Naturally things do not go as planned and despite their best intentions the group only makes matters worse and sets a chain of events into action which bring them full circle in a race against time to save Doug.

This time out the film has ramped down the gross out humor of the first films aside for one epic scene following the credits. The film has some chuckles along the way but lacks the jaw dropping shock humor that defined the previous films. I spent the majority of the film enjoying the cast but waiting for the big comedic payoff to arrive which sadly did not come until the after-credits scene.

The cast works well with the material but it does seem like they have run out of ideas and are going through the motions. The addition of Melissa McCarthy does add some nice moments to the film and does leave open some ideas should they decide to continue the series despite promising that this is the conclusion. In the end it is a nice enough diversion but for me was neither as enjoyable nor memorable as the previous efforts.

Dankwa Brooks (5 KP) rated

Mar 9, 2018  
The Hangover Part III (2013)
The Hangover Part III (2013)
2013 | Comedy
It wasn't really funny, just fun. It was fun because of the characters we knew from the previous 2 movies.