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Haunted London Pubs

2009 | History & Politics

London is a historical city full of mysteries and curiosities, and is home to many of England's oldest and most quirky pubs. It comes as no surprise that these pubs have a great deal more than their fair share of ghosts, phantoms and ghouls or, as the old joke goes, spirits galore! A menacing ghostly soldier lurks in Mayfair's Grenadier pub; the hooves of Dick Turpin's Black Bess can be heard galloping up to the Spaniard's Inn at Hampstead; a scary nun does the rounds at the Horns in Bermondsey; and many people have heard the voices of long-dead drinkers killed when the King's Arms in Peckham Rye was blitzed. Combining some well-known stories with others that are long-forgotten, this fascinating book delves into the rich tapestry of London's pub history, with a perfect mix of the past, folklore, popular culture and the supernatural.

Published by The History Press Ltd

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9780752447605
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: The History Press Ltd.
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