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1989 | Adventure | Exploration | Fantasy | Fighting | Miniatures

HeroQuest is Milton Bradley's approach to a Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure game. One player acts as game master, revealing the maze-like dungeon piecemeal as the players wander. Up to four other players take on a character (wizard, elf, dwarf, or barbarian) and venture forth into dungeons on fantasy quests. Miniature plastic characters and doll-house style furniture make this game very approachable. Expansions were also released for this system. The HeroQuest series consists of the main game and a number of expansions. This game was made in cooperation with Games Workshop who designed the miniatures and helped in many of the production details including background fluff and art in the rule book and scenario book.

No. of Players 2-5
Playing Time 90 min
Age 10+
Mechanics Card Building, Dice Rolling
Designer Stephen Baker
Artist Gary Chalk, Les Edwards
Publisher Estrela, El Greco, MB Giochi, MB Jeux

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Estrela, El Greco, MB Giochi, MB Jeux.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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Added this item on Mar 6, 2018

HeroQuest Reviews & Ratings (7)
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