A Higher Form of Cannibalism?: Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography

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A Higher Form of Cannibalism?: Adventures in the Art and Politics of Biography

2005 | Biography

Carl Rollyson's lively and anecdotal investigation of writing about the lives others examines his own practices as well as those of biographers from Samuel Johnson to Richard Ellmann and many others. By its very nature, Mr. Rollyson argues, biography is controversial-it invites the burglar, and justifiably so, especially in the case of literary heroes. A Higher Form of Cannibalism? explores the gap between the scholarly and the popular, the "authorized" and the "unauthorized"-which may not be as wide as most people suppose. "A candid and revealing account, by an expert in the minefield, of the biographer's contentious work. I've been writing lives for thirty years and learned a lot from it."-Jeffrey Meyers.

Published by Ivan R Dee, Inc

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781566636421
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Ivan R Dee, Inc.
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