How Not to Get Hit: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

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How Not to Get Hit: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

2017 | Sport & Leisure

The average person isn't looking to be in a situation where fists are going to fly, but many of us have found ourselves there anyway. At that moment, it's probably too late to do anything about it. But how do we change circumstances so those situations don't happen? How Not to Get Hit is a book on personal safety for people who don't want to learn to fight, but do want to learn how to avoid those situations where a fight is likely to develop. Told in a lighthearted, irreverent style, How Not to Get Hit takes you on a journey through the funny side of violence, its roots in our evolutionary past and where it fits in to modern society. Self defense isn't a series of techniques or moves, it's an attitude, a strategy and a life skill. This martial arts philosophy book will give you an understanding of why people want to use violence, how they will use it and using this knowledge to manage situations and create a better outcome.

Published by Tuttle Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9780804848817
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Tuttle Publishing.
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