Independent Lens - Season 14

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Independent Lens - Season 14

2012 | Documentary

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Network PBS
Producer(s) Sally Jo Fifer
Cast Stanley Tucci, Don McLeroy, Tommy Stevens, Amlan Ganguly, Deja Bruce, Michelle Alexander, Lynda Carter, Arnel Pineda, Angie Hodges, Gene Robinson, President Mohamed Nasheed, Bruce Parks, Steven Bolstad, Kori Cioca, Shanequa Benitez, Jessica Hinves, Cindy Deegan, Kathleen Hanna, Ahmed Naseem, Salim Shekh, Demia Bruce, Evan Osnos, Jeronimo Garcia, Crystal Starr, Cynthia Dunbar, Jinhua "Sandy" Bolstad, Neil Schon, Mohamed Aslam, Debbie Lum and Jonathan Cain

Images And Data Courtesy Of: PBS.
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