Ingenious Impressions: Fifteenth-Century Printed Books from the University of Glasgow's Library

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Ingenious Impressions: Fifteenth-Century Printed Books from the University of Glasgow's Library

2015 | Architecture & Design

The University of Glasgow's library contains over 400,000 manuscripts and printed works, built up since the university's foundation in 1451. The library's outstanding collection of over a thousand printed books ('incunabula') from the fifteenth century has recently been catalogued in detail. This beautifully illustrated book accompanies an exhibition that highlights a small selection of these fascinating works. It charts the development of the early printed book in Europe, exploring the transition from manuscript to print and its impact on late medieval society. The invention of mechanical movable type printing revolutionised bookmaking in Europe and was instrumental in the emergence of the Renaissance and the spread of learning across the continent.

Published by Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781857599268
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd.
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