INSTALL SOLAR POWER: Solar Energy Without any Upfront Costs
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Solar Power Is Always “On”
This book is written for people who want to save on ENERGY. whether they want to have everything done for them or people who prefer a more hands-on approach and want to do things themselves. Today there're companies who will install and set up the whole solar system on your property for nothing.
Unfortunately, solar panels are still perceived as being incredibly expensive. If you think about this, you’ll realize that it’s true. After all, if you had the money, you’d probably switch to solar power today. But here’s what you need to understand, this simply isn’t the case anymore. The cost of solar panels is decreasing every year. Not only that, there’s now a way to install solar panels for FREE.
Yes, that’s right. You can do it without spending a dime. The reason is that there are now financial agreements available with installer/developers (PPA), where you pay off the whole installation system over a period of time, whilst saving money and benefiting from all that free solar energy with no upfront costs.
How it works is simple. These companies use the free electricity that the solar system generates to get paid, by charging you a reduced Kilowatt-hour during an agreed period of time. This Kilowatt-hour tariff is well below what you are paying now to the utility company. So, you are saving money from day one, and the Installer/company is getting paid for installing the solar system on your property, and... This is how you pay for the panels. It’s a Win-Win situation for everybody!
Maintenance is another issue people have with solar systems is that they get worried about it. The installing companies take care of this problem. They handle all of the maintenance issues, and this makes switching to solar far easier than ever before. You don’t have to worry about maintenance. The company does everything while you sit back and reap the rewards. The reality is that Solar Systems require little or no maintenance because there are no moving parts, so it lasts for many decades unless an airplane lands on your solar panels. In addition to this…
...If you install a system this year Uncle Sam gives you a tax credit of 26%, if you do it next year it goes down to 22% and the goodies stop at the end of next year. Imagine that your solar system costs $10,000, If you own the system you can claim immediately $2,600.
With this book, you’ll be a solar expert in no time at all. It’s short, to the point (no fluff), and has everything needed to start right away. From a point of advantage, knowing what’s involved.
Observe that I left at the end of each Chapter, and Sections empty spaces titled “Notes;”. This is a working reference book (not a leisure book) and these spaces are there so you can write down, your own research, related phone numbers, and websites, sketch ideas, and anything that you see relevant to your project.
My own experience has been whenever I buy a reference book, and suddenly I need to make a note of a page or write down some useful info, I have to use a paper to write it down, then insert it in the book, several months down the road the paper got lost.
This book has plenty of space for you to use and have all useful information together in the same place, and never lose it.
CONCLUSION: The meaningless price of this book can save you thousands of dollars and frustration, and will help you to get the best deal possible.
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