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Finance | Business


If you want a response for one of the questions below this is the app you are looking for:

- How much money do I need to save monthly to reach 1 million in my bank account?
- How much money do I need to save monthly to get retired with a good income per month?
- How much money do I need to have in my account to live with this accumulated income?
- If I get retired earlier, how much will I earn per month?
- If I deposit a specific value today and forget it, how much money will I have in 20 years?
- How can I grant college to my newborn son?
- How much will be the installment of my financed home?
- Which financing type is better in my case?

Main Features:

- Super friendly interface, like wizard, with hints on each screen to help information filling.
- Very complete, allowing find out different variables for a same calculation: (Ex.: Initial deposit, monthly deposit, contribution period, enjoyment period, withdrawns, etc…).
- Embeded interest rate conversor (monthly vs yearly).
- Detailed report of calculation executed.
- Allow send by email the Result Report for you or anyone else you want.
- Do not require user have high financial math knowledge.
- Retina Display Support.
- Universal app.

Published by Xsense Solutions Importacao e Exportacao de Software Ltda. ME
Developed by Xsense Solutions Importacao e Exportacao de Software Ltda. ME
Certificate 4+
Languages English, Portuguese
Compatibility iPhone, iPad, iPod

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Xsense Solutions Importacao e Exportacao de Software Ltda. ME.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.

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