Lord Shiva : Mantras, Stories, Songs, Wallpapers, Shiva Temples

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Lord Shiva : Mantras, Stories, Songs, Wallpapers, Shiva Temples



Shiva is one of the main deities of Hinduism that is worshipped as the paramount lord by the Shaivaite sects of India. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is regarded as the representation of the Supreme Being. He is known as the third element in the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti), the other two members being Lord Brahma - the creator and Lord Vishnu - the protector. Shiva is the destructive form of the Almighty. As the cycle of destruction and recreation is always in a circle, Shiva’s primary responsibility is maintaining the life cycle. Scholars say, as the Mahakaal, Shiva destroys and dissolves everything into nothingness but as Shankara, he also reproduces that which has been destroyed and dissolved. His symbol of Lingam or the phallus represents this reproductive power.

Lord Shiva App - This is a one stop app for all devotees of Lord Shiva. Download this app and get all you need in one place. Stay blessed.

Shiva Temples Details

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Certificate 4+
Languages English
Compatibility iPhone, iPad, iPod

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