LPPbus Ljubljana public transit

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LPPbus Ljubljana public transit

Navigation | Travel


Ljubljana public transport in your pocket.

LPPbus will help you navigate Ljubljana's bus routes like nothing before. Whether you are searching for the nearest bus station or wondering where exactly a bus route will take you, LPPbus will provide you with an answer in no time. And with the built-in arrival time fetching you will never have to wait for the bus again. A must have application for both residents and visitors.

Feature highlights:
- Stations and routes lists with geographic data
- Bus arrival time fetching for stations
- Build in map and route schema
- Station search
- Favorite stations
- Nearby stations

Published by Guerrilla Code programiranje in svetovanje Bukovinski Matej s.p.
Developed by Guerrilla Code
Certificate 4+
Languages English, Slovenian
Compatibility iPhone, iPod, iPad

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Guerrilla Code programiranje in svetovanje Bukovinski Matej s.p..
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.