Z “M Sken MOBILE” hitro in enostavno opravite nakup v nekaj korakih:
- Registrirajte kartico
- S skeniranjem kode v trgovini se prijavite v trgovinski sistem
- Skenirate kode izdelkov, ko le te dodate v nakupovalni voziček
- Preverite ceno in aktualne promocije
- Plačate na blagajni namenjeni storitvi Msken, ne da bi izdelke prestavljali iz nakupovalnega vozička
Nič več čakanja v dolgih vrstah.
"M Sken MOBILE" is a personal app that allows you to scan merchandise you want to buy and shop in few steps:
- Regiter loyalty card in App
- Check in at shop entrance
- Scan article barcode before adding it to the shopping basket
- Check the article price and promotions
- Pay at the check-out using self-payment kiosk without removing article from the bag or cart
No more standing and waiting in long checkout line.
Check for Mercator stores in Slovenia where you can use it.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Mercator d.d..
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance
with Fair Use.