Make Dirty Millions the Clean Way!!

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Make Dirty Millions the Clean Way!!


How to make dirty millions the clean way, was written as part of my life's goal to end world hunger and poverty.

These subjects were discussed in more details in my new book, The Movie/Dirty Millions The Clean Way. Although these titles are similar, the contents in these books are as different as night and day. This how-to book is a no-nonsense easy to understand guide to changing your business career, as you make lots of money. To some, what I'm about to say moving forward is going to sound like another get rich sales pitch. Believe me it's not. What makes this book different from those get rich schemes, is that I've been there and done that. I have experience and lived through the true details of this book. I'm going to show you how you are missing out on lots of money making and good business opportunities every day. In one section of this book, I discuss how you can become a money making contractor almost overnight. Starting with little to no out of pocket money, I've seen poor people become wealthy. Example: If you work, drive, walk, or have access to any type of building, you can make major life-changing wealth, come into your life. The potential is there to triple your monthly income, or maybe even becoming a millionaire. With that being said, a quick description of a contractor is a, plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc., who contracts his skills out for money. Now I know you're wondering what does that have to do with me, I know nothing about those building trades. Again, I'm asking you to please continue to read as I clarify this here and in the book, details that may make you wealthy. Now I understand most of us do not have precise building trade skills, as this book will show you in detail how you could use other people skills, in these buildings to get rich. For instance there is a trade that most people in America have expert skills of doing, but have never use them to make money. If you clean your house, car, body, you already have a skill that some are using to make millions of dollars each month. One of the most overlooked building trades that is worth millions, is the professional building cleaning service trade. Most people look down on this particular trade, as it has become very lucrative business. Without further ado, I will give you a few more details of this particular book chapter. Take any size building you work in, visit, or do business in. A five-story building for example, with approximately 20,000 square feet per floor, is a monthly income goal mind. Like I mentioned before you have the skills to clean your home as well as this hundred thousand square foot building. Now with this hundreds thousand square foot building or other size buildings you pass by each week. You could change your financial status almost overnight. Feel free to approach a building property manager. Ask him when the next cleaning bid is due for renewal. Most cleaning contracts go out for re-bid once every four or five years, especially when it comes to government buildings. If the property manager give you a bid package, in my book I will discuss the details on how to bid buildings from around the country, without leaving your home or office. For example this particular building, 100,000 square feet. You will take the total square footage x's .97 cent per square foot. This will give you a total of $97,000 per year. Now divide this number into 12 months, to give your property manager's his monthly bid price/cost of, $8,083. Now, keep in mind this particular type of daily cleaning Monday to Friday, will take a small crew and yourself about 3 to 4 hours per night to clean. Like I mentioned before you can also use other people skills to make you rich. For example you can subcontract this cleaning contract to a local building cleaning service. Pay them $5000 per month, you keep the balance for doing nothing. Ten + buildings = wealth!


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