Making Every English Lesson Count: Six Principles for Supporting Reading and Writing
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2017 | Children
Gives English lessons the award-winning Making Every Lesson Count treatment. Written in the practical, engaging style of the award-winning Making Every Lesson Count (ISBN 978-184590973-4), this book aims to inspire a rich, challenging and evidence-informed approach to English teaching. Designed for secondary and upper-primary teachers, Making Every English Lesson Count offers manageable and gimmick-free advice that combines the time-honoured wisdom of excellent English teachers with the most useful evidence from cognitive science. The book is held together by six pedagogical principles - challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning - and provides simple, realistic classroom strategies that English teachers can put to use immediately. It also points a sceptical finger at the fashions and myths that have pervaded English teaching over the past decade or so - such as the idea that English is a skills-based subject and the belief that students can make huge progress in reading and writing in a single lesson.
Instead, Andy Tharby puts the teaching of conceptual knowledge, vocabulary and challenging literature in the foreground and shows you how to help your students develop their reading and writing proficiency over time. In an age of educational quick fixes, GCSE reform and ever-changing goalposts, this precise and timely book returns to the fundamental question that all English teachers must ask: 'What can I do to help my students to become confident and competent readers and writers?' For English teachers of pupils aged 11-16 years.
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Published by | Crown House Publishing |
Edition | Unknown |
ISBN | 9781785831799 |
Language | N/A |
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Crown House Publishing.
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