The Marketing Plan Handbook: Develop Big-Picture Marketing Plans for Pennies on the Dollar

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The Marketing Plan Handbook: Develop Big-Picture Marketing Plans for Pennies on the Dollar

2015 | Business & Finance

Deliver Big-Picture Marketing Plans for Pennies on the Dollar Successful marketing expert and copywriter Robert W. Bly cuts through the clutter of short-lived marketing techniques and trendy gimmicks to reveal the critical steps you need to cross over from business owner to marketplace competitor. Dishing bite-sized lessons, supported by in-chapter exercises and end-of-chapter actions, Bly coaches you in creating an effective marketing plan that produces the results of an expensive marketing consultant without the hefty cost. Learn how to: Develop a clear business vision Position your business and services strategically Research your market and target your ideal client Integrate online and offline marketing Put measurements in place to assess marketing tactics Create an effective implementation schedule Review and troubleshoot for future success and growth Whether embarking on a new venture or reviving your current business plan, this practical handbook provides the next steps toward business success and survival.

Published by Entrepreneur Press

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781599185590
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Entrepreneur Press.
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