Mean Streets (1973)

1973 | Classics | Drama

112 mins

Harvey Keitel plays Charlie, working his way up the ranks of a local mob. Amy Robinson is Teresa, the girlfriend his family deems unsuitable because of her epilepsy. And in the starmaking role that won Best Supporting Actor Awards from the New York and National Society of FIlm Critics, De Niro is Johnny Boy, a small-time gambler in big-time debt to loan sharks.

This is a story Martin Scorsese lived, a semi-biographical tale of the first-generation sons and daughters of New York's Little Italy.

Produced by Warner Bros.
Director Martin Scorsese
Writer Martin Scorsese
Cast Jeanne Bell, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Amy Robinson, David Proval, Richard Romanus, Cesare Danova and George Memmoli

Main Image Courtesy: Warner Bros..
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Warner Bros..
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Andy K

Added this item on Feb 23, 2017

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Mean Streets (1973) reviews from people you don't follow

Milla Jovovich recommended (curated)

Mean Streets (1973)
Mean Streets (1973)
1973 | Classics, Drama

"Mean Streets — Robert De Niro is so gorgeous. Again, the beginning of all these people’s careers. What a full, well-rounded movie. Then you go to Goodfellas, it’s hard. [Picking five] really is hard. I also loved Wolf of Wall Street, I have to say. That was a fun movie. Matthew McConaughey, so good. I think [what I love about Mean Streets is] just seeing the world, seeing the costumes, the relationships these guys have with each other. I think also just the stories behind — knowing that these actors, this was so many of their first movie breakout performances; it’s unbelievable watching it and the performances are so great."


Kathryn Bigelow recommended (curated)

Mean Streets (1973)
Mean Streets (1973)
1973 | Classics, Drama

"…and then [in Mean Streets], Robert De Niro; his kind of twitchy reverence to this wonderfully insane underworld. Somehow, the two [films] will always be forever linked in my mind. Whoever programmed those two movies together… it was at a moment when, in an art context, I was beginning to make short films. So film was definitely becoming a medium that was intriguing to me, and I hadn’t quite made a complete transition yet, but I found those two films just extraordinary, and they opened up a kind of unimaginable landscape for me. That kind of great irreverence, and intensity, and strength of purpose in those characters."


Antoine Fuqua recommended (curated)

Mean Streets (1973)
Mean Streets (1973)
1973 | Classics, Drama

"I just love Mean Streets, period. I grew up in my own version of that. Scorsese is a hero of mine. The movie’s really about him, you know, as a filmmaker — you watch Harvey’s performance when he goes to the church and he’s there on his knees in his version of praying, and you hear the voice-over. What’s amazing about that movie is — now that I’ve met Scorsese a few times — I can see that he was sort of in that world. He’s said it a few times: “I wasn’t sure if I was gonna become a priest or a gangster.” [Laughs] And when you see the movie, you see him, and you get that. You see Harvey’s character is a little bit of a priest, he’s trying to be a good guy but he’s in a world of mobsters and he needs to be accepted by that world. I love the elements that Scorsese captured. I love, again, that sort of brave filmmaking — they didn’t have any money to do a parade, but he just captured that ceremony, you know. They put cameras on the roof and shot down. They put you in the middle of a world and you felt like you were really in it. And De Niro, of course, is genius. It’s ridiculous how good he is. I could go on and on about why I love those movies, as far as technically, and performance-wise — but that’s the basic essence."


Cillian Murphy recommended (curated)

Mean Streets (1973)
Mean Streets (1973)
1973 | Classics, Drama

"Another very early formative film for me. Extraordinary energy and performances from De Niro and Keitel, with Scorsese beginning to cast a spell over filmmaking in the 1970s."

Mean Streets (1973) reviews from people you don't follow

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