This is the Premium version of MemoAssist. This version includes all features. If you wish to try 30 days for FREE, please search AppStore for MemoAssist.
With MemoAssist the user can quickly define and learn daily routines and gets naturally motivated to repeat them.
It's a great app for people with autism, adhd, dementia, aspergers or for anyone who simply needs a visual representation of their day.
- Use builtin symbols, your own photos or any image from the internet on each event
- Record and use audio messages to help you remember your routines.
- Create guides that step by step show you how to perform an activity.
- Use the timer to establish the feeling of time passing.
- Get motivated to repeat your routines, and get awarded.
- With iBeacons you can create indoor location reminders.
- MemoAssist can be locked to prevent accidental editing.
- Change the look and design of MemoAssist in many different ways
- With MemoRemote (FREE in App Store) your family or caregivers can create events and follow your progress.
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Danish, German, English, Finnish, French, Hindi, Dutch, Swedish
iPhone, iPad, iPod
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Magnus Skou Andersen.
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