Minos Strategos


Android iOS

You are the legendary Minos Strategos (general of the ancient city of Minos)! Command the defenders of the temple by harnessing the power of specific battle formations to push back the Minotaur hordes. Minos Strategos is a quick single-player strategy game with a focus on elegance and clarity. Climb the single-player ladder as you devise flexible strategies, amassing an ever-growing collection of command cards as you go!

Inspired by the board game "Tash-Kalar" by Vlaada Chvátil, Minos Strategos has players creating, matching, and utilizing unit formations on an ever-changing battlefield. Unlock collectible command cards to summon powerful threats, clear large swaths of enemies in an area of effect, and form powerful chaining combos to play multiple cards in a single turn.

Published by Brett Lowey
Developed by BrainGoodGames
Certificate 9+
Languages English
Compatibility iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android Device


Main Image Courtesy: Brett Lowey.
Background Image Courtesy: Brett Lowey.
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Brett Lowey.
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