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Mona Hatoum

2016 | Art, Photography & Fashion

Born in Beirut to a Palestinian family, artist Mona Hatoum came toBritain as a student in the mid-1970s, settling in London in 1975.Her art - whether video, performance, sculpture or installation- is concerned with confrontational themes including violence,oppression and voyeurism, often in reference to the human body;and with the juxtaposition of opposites such as beauty and horror,desire and revulsion.Hatoum has participated in numerous important group exhibitionsincluding The Turner Prize and the Venice Biennale. As the winner ofthe Joan Miro Prize, she held a solo exhibition at Fundacio Joan Miroin Barcelona in 2012, and the following year was the subject of a soloexhibition at the Kunstmuseum St Gallen. In 2014 a large survey showof her work was held at the Arab Museum of Modern Art in Qatar.With eight new essays, including an introduction by curator ClarrieWallis, and a re-published text by renowned Orientalist scholarEdward Said, a wide range of texts cover both the theory and practiceof Hatoum's work. Beautifully designed, with 250 colour imagescovering the whole of Hatoum's ouevre, this is the essential book on adistinctly powerful voice in contemporary art.

Published by Tate Publishing

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781849763608
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Tate Publishing.
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