O Amor, O Sorriso e a Flor by Joao Gilberto
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O Amor, O Sorriso e a Flor by Joao Gilberto
1960 | Jazz
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Label | Cherry Red |
Amor Certinho [Certain Love]
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Aos Pes da Cruz [At the Foot of the Cross]
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Bim Bom
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Chega de Saudade [No More Blues]
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Desafinado [Off-Key]
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Discussao [Discussion]
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Discussao [Discusssion]
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E Luxo So [It's Just a Luxury]
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Felicidade [Happiness], A
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Felicidade [Happiness], S
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Manha de Carnaval [Morning of the Carnival]
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Meditacao [Meditation]
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O Pato [The Duck]
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Outra Vez [One More Time]
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Samba de Uma Nota So [One-Note Samba]
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So Em Teus Bracos [Only in Your Arms]
(0 Ratings)
Um Abraco No Bonfa [A Hug for Bonfa]
(0 Ratings)
Images And Data Courtesy Of: Cherry Red.
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with Fair Use.
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