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One Grand, Sweet Song

2016 | Essays

One Grand, Sweet Song is a collection of familiar essays in which Sam Pickering explores libraries and woods and fields. He wanders over hills and far away-to the Caribbean and Canada-but he always returns to the local, to Connecticut and his memories of a Southern childhood. He ponders writing and aging, joy and lunacy. He celebrates family and Christmas. He laughs and tells terrible lies, and jokes. He runs half-marathons, and on a farm in Nova Scotia, he tries to write his Walden. In these pages Pickering embraces his world with great love, wrapping it in words and pulling it and the reader unforgettably close. Pickering has written 28 books and hundreds of articles. Three are scholarly studies, two of which focus on 18th century children's literature. Four are travel books, three of these describing his family's meanderings in Australia. One book mulls teaching, and another is a memoir. The rest of Pickering's books are collections of familiar essays, providing his take or perhaps "untake" on things.

Published by Texas Review Press

Edition Unknown
ISBN 9781680030952
Language N/A

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Texas Review Press.
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