Optimal Business Daily: Management | Entrepreneurship | StartUp | Small Business | Freelancing | Side Hustle

Optimal Business Daily: Management | Entrepreneurship | StartUp | Small Business | Freelancing | Side Hustle


We (Lee Rankinen & Justin Malik) read you the best content on entrepreneurship, startups, side hustles, freelancing, and more, with author permission. Think of Optimal Business Daily as an audioblog or blogcast. :)

Optimal Business Daily is a podcast created for those looking to start or improve their own small business: lifelong entrepreneurs and life optimizers. Lee Rankinen & Justin Malik bring you the best content from blogs and other resources and read it to you, so that you don't have to waste your time finding and reading blogs yourself--listen during your commute, workout, regular routines, or during your down time 7 days a week and launch or improve your business one step at a time. Each episode brings you a reading from a popular blog post or resource--practical and actionable information that has been proven to be worthy of large audiences.

Current sites and authors include:
EOFire.com (Entrepreneur On Fire) - Kate Erickson & John Lee Dumas
JamesAltucher.com - James Altucher
Sivers.org - Derek Sivers
NeilPatel.com - Neil Patel
ZenHabits.net - Leo Babauta
IWillTeachYouToBeRich.com - Ramit Sethi
StevePavlina.com - Steve Pavlina
RyanHoover.me - Ryan Hoover
SideHustleNation.com - Nick Loper
NirAndFar.com - Nir Eyal
MyWifeQuitHerJob.com - Steve Chou
GoodLifeZen.com - Mary Jaksch

and more being added!
Subscribe now--your optimal life awaits!

*Optimal Living Daily has received permission from the original authors to read content on this show.

Publisher Lee Rankinen & Justin Malik of Optimal Living Daily Narrate Business Blogs
Website http://OLDPodcast.com
Language(s) English

Images And Data Courtesy Of: Lee Rankinen & Justin Malik of Optimal Living Daily Narrate Business Blogs.
This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published and used in accordance with Fair Use.